Big news in town: El Nido is resuming tourist activities, starting from September 30th, 2020 for Palawan residents – with a number of safety and Covid-related measures. Following the release of the news by the Municipality, we take the opportunity to transcribe here the big changes operating in town – especially all the safety measures to which visitors must adhere.
Island Hopping and safety rules
Island Hopping A-to-D tours become “The 7 Wonders of El Nido”
First big change announced: the rebranding and change of destinations for all existing Island Hopping tours! From now, there will be not 4, but 7 tours to choose from – including 3 premium tours for the most popular destinations. Also in the Island Hopping tours new system are set a maximum capacity threshold and a specific time for each destination; meaning that visitors should consider booking in advance for the tour they plan to do.
Island Hopping safety Covid-related rules
Besides the new system of Island Hopping tours, a number of safety and Covid-related measures are set for all visitors who want to book a tour:
- Tours must be booked in advance, at least 1 day prior and before 4 PM
- Boats are limited in their capacity: 50% of their passenger capacity, and shall not exceed 12 people, with a 3m social distance onboard
- Visitors should carry their ID, QR code and Eco-Tourism Development Fee proof (see below) at all times
- If a visitor experience flu-like symptoms, he/she is expected to not join the tour and isolate himself/herself at his/her hotel
- Visitors should bring their own food, mask and snorkel
- Visitors should use their assigned life jacket and not share with others
- Visitors should comply to temperatures and ID checks along the activity and comply to authorities decisions
Entering and behaving properly in El Nido
Before entering El Nido, you will have to go through a Screening check point (in order to evaluate visitors health status, but also brief everyone about the town’s safety procedures).
Here is the list of the required steps:
- Visitors shall register online on El Nido Tourism Office website to generate a QR code (direct access under Menu > More > Health Declaration Form)
- Visitors have to present QR code (previously generated) or at least an ID/billing address to the Screening Officer
- Additionally, visitors should show an electronic copy of their Authorized Establishment valid booking
- Visitors are invited to pay the Eco-tourism Development Fee
- Quick heath checks and interview are carried out at the control entry point
- A short briefing by the Officers regarding safety protocols inside El Nido will be done
Once in town, visitors should then:
- Observe minimum heath standards in place (i.e social distancing, facemasks, etc)
- Inform immediately the staff of their Authorized Establishment if experiencing flu-like symptoms, for isolation procedure and further health checks
At anytime, visitors are encouraged to report officers who are not observing minimum health standards. Please also note that suspicious symptoms display or relevant travel history regarding Covid can lead visitors to be put in isolation (at their own expenses) or a early home return for recovery.
Book your stay in Moringa Resort!
Moringa Resort is an Authorized Establishment that has received both DOT (CAO) and LGU accreditations. You might have a look to our resort and prices to book your next stay!

Moringa Resort
5313 El Nido
+63 999 53 73 006