As most of services provided in El Nido are paid in cash, you will certainly need to get local currency by withdrawing some cash money at the nearest ATM, or by exchanging your own money at a honest rate in a change office. In this guide, we will tell you where to withdraw and change money in El Nido.
Withdraw money at the nearest ATM
In El Nido you can find few ATM machines accepting foreign debit/credit cards to withdraw local money. Here are the ones that we can recommend for their reliability:
- BPI – located in town, calle real
- Metrobank – located in town, calle real
Please note that these ATMs charge a fixed fee of 250 pesos with foreign debit/credit cards (plus the possible fees applying from your own bank). The amount limit that can be withdrew is set to P10,000. Also, be sure that there are no potential limitations from your bank when you are abroad.

Change offices
If you come to El Nido with your own currency, there are a few change offices in town where you will be able to exchange at a honest rate. Here are our suggestions to change your money:
- in local banks, such as BPI: introduce yourself to the guard outside, he will show you to which counter you have to go to make your request. The bank worker will ask for your passport, in order to proceed. Both guard and bank employees are well aware of the current exchange rate; don’t hesitate to ask them before.
- at Palawan Pawnshop, Cebuana LHuillier or M.LHuillier, a few money transfers located in town: as above, introduce yourself to the guard to inquire about the process and exchange rate. Your passport will be needed to handle you the money.

Wondering where to go out in El Nido?
Check and try one of the suggested places below: